Playground at the End of the World - the improvised play
Playground at the End of the World - the improvised play
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Playground at the End of the World - the improvised play
The Show
For some time now robots have slowly been taking over and we are ok with that as long as they are doing our dishes.
But now they are creating our poems, music, art... And that is just one step too far, isn’t it?
“Playground at the End of the World" is a tribute to human creativity, a collaboration between humans who make stuff (visual artists) and humans who make up stuff (improvisers).
For every show this spring we invite a different artist to design the show poster, which the improvisers in their turn will interpret and turn into a play before your very eyes.
This show is inspired by the art of Ben Baker and by contributions from you, the audience. Come watch as we turn art into theatre....
The Art
Tonight's show is inspired by the art of Ben Baker
Want to get an art print of the show poster? Go to the art shop.
Opening hours
The show starts at 19:00
The café opens at 16:30. Bring a game or your art supplies and hang out with us in the café before the show starts.
The shows end at 21. Come hang out with us in the café after the show!
- Regular ticket: this is just what it sounds like
- Student/ Retired/ Low on cash: this is a discounted ticket for students, retirees or people who for whatever reason are low on cash at the moment. No questions asked
- Membership: Are you a fan? Get a ticket for all 4 shows for a discounted price. Can't make a show after all? No worries, your friend can go in your place.
- Pay it Forward: Do you have a little extra money to spare and do you want to give someone who can't afford it the opportunity to go to the theatre? Get a Pay it Forward ticket. For every Pay it Forward ticket someone buys, we offer one free ticket to someone who can't afford it otherwise. No questions asked
- Free ticket: These tickets are sponsored by the Pay it Forward system and offered depending on availability. These tickets are meant for people who can't afford to go to the theatre otherwise. Need it? Get it! No questions asked. Enjoy!
Pygméteatern, Vegagatan 17, 113 29 Stockholm
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Playground at the End of the World - the improvised play
Ab Kostenlos
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