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One template - many bags. Regular.

One template - many bags. Regular.

Ab Kostenlos



18. Juli 2025, 09:00 Uhr - 20. Juli 2025, 16:00 Uhr
Billetto Peace of Mind
Buchen Sie mit Vertrauen: Billetto garantiert eine Rückerstattung für stornierte Veranstaltungen, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen. Erfahre mehr
Akzeptierte Zahlungsarten:


One template, many bags. Regular.

18-20 of July 2025


Master felter Natalya Brashovetska.


Beginners in felt are more than welcome. But don´t be surprised if you learn a lot, even if you´ve been felting for many years.

What´s included

3 day workshop.

With this workshop, you will leave packed with tips and shortcuts, and a unique bag.

From one template we learn not only to felt a bag, but also dig in to how you can make several other, very different bags.

Lunch and swedish fika (coffe/tea and cookies and dried fruit).

Materials are not included in the course price. High quality materials will be available at the facility. We will also order in advance, so you may get the color you prefer.

Using the materials we offer will also guarantee that Natalya can help you reach your desired outcome, as she is very familiar with the materials.

Date and time

18-20 July 2025.

Starts at 9 am 18 July.

Then 9.30 am-4 pm every day. Lunch at 12.

The atelier will be open until 8.30 pm for students who want to continue working on their own.

Open for registration

When enough participants are registered we will reach out with payment information and order materials.

We offer flexible options, which you can adapt to your needs.

Regular (chosen option)

Course fee, and accomodation in a cabin with self catering. The price is for a 4-bed cabin. If you share with friends, the price will decrease.

9 500 kr

Small (choose this ticket instead, if you are interested in this option)

Only course fee is included, with lunch. Accomodation is booked and payed for separately.

You arrange for this yourself. We are happy to assist you in finding what is right for you.

5900 kr

De luxe (choose this ticket instead, if you are interested in this option)

Course fee, and hotel with breakfast.

11 600 kr

Register your interest now!

Material top-up

Material top-up 1900 kr is available for small, regular and de luxe options.

This means you can use any material at the venue, and order your prefered colours without keeping tabs during the workshop. Hassle free!

You can choose this when you pay for yout seat in full.

The venue

At Böle textile farm we will enjoy creative work in a rural, rustic venue. It is situated in the heart of Dalarna, near Falun. There are several unique sites to visit. Ask us!

Anna, who runs the atelier lives on the farm, which has history records from as early as the 14th century.

Feel free to visit our web page and check out our recent events!



Initiativet Freedom of craft syftar till att skapa utrymme för att utforska idéer och fysiska material. Det bygger på övertygelsen att hantverk är ett viktigt sätt att förstå världen, sig själv och andra. 

Processen att utforska material, blanda, extrahera och komma fram till färger och funktion är avgörande för att nå en kunskap som inte kan skapas på något annat sätt än genom beröring.

Jag vet inte hur det är med dig. Men när jag ägnar mig åt hantverk känns det som om jag öppnar upp ett utrymme som är fyllt, och blir fyllt, med icke-verbal kunskap. Det händer något i utkanten av mitt medvetande, som bara kan uttryckas genom att göra, experimentera, prova sig fram, göra fel men också lyckas!


Böle textile farm, Böle 12, Svärdsjö


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One template - many bags. Regular.

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