NMC: Bitov Terror + RIST + Skabara + Käftsmäll
NMC: Bitov Terror + RIST + Skabara + Käftsmäll
Ab 150,00 SEK
No Man’s Club invites you for a great hang out and to enjoy amazing bands!
BITOV TERROR - antifascist Oi! from Bulgaria!First time in Sweden. Started in 2005 this band has made their mark on the scene with both big hate and some huge love! Hate for nazis, cops and capitalism. Love for the punk scene, anarchism and the working class. Yeah, you wanna see this! Not sure what song to start with? Do “Disobedient” on Youtube to get the moshpit-feel
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5GDNobao2mVAkJva5whRQ More: https://bitovterror.bandcamp.com/
SKABARA - y’all need some more 2-tone in your life! This seven-person band is gonna fill up the entire stage and - even though some lyrics are a bit dark - just make you happy! We recommend a listen to their latest album “Råttkasino”
Listen: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7nPdZW9ljZ7HzfYixh7GSD?si=VOUAmXYRQlapXkZobpWhQA
More: https://www.facebook.com/skabaraska
RIST - street-punk from Västerås!It’s tight. It’s fast. It’s impossible to sit still! Each member has played together in different constellations since childhood so with all that experience you know this is gonna be good. If you need to rage-scream (who doesn't) we recommend a listen to "M-F"
Listen: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5Kf0saVxw8SuAFkcDAIH15?si=2YF3pBLlRU6Rc-iBAyZwDg
More: https://www.instagram.com/rist55u/
KÄFTSMÄLL - mad as the whole fucking hell-punk!Inspiration from -77 punk, with a modern twist. Käftsmäll started in 2017 and has since then released some funny shit, among others the song “Radhusrebell” about all of a sudden being a person well adapted into society - which, as a young punk, was an impossible thought. They also speak on serious political matters and gives the boot to all idiots in society. The band name itself describes it best: as a smack in the face!
Listen: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5KiVev1zpVTGEkE4PMSsYu?si=_o7G3okZR7-dB-odH6Pb8g
More: https://www.facebook.com/barflugan
You can also grab some merch, talk some shit, do some pogo and sing along with the DJs best tunes! So yeah, just come and have fun!
YES! TAKE ME THERE! Gula Villan, Folkparken 17, Handen https://maps.app.goo.gl/QjLe9rB2pAPVbt3K9Commuter train to: Handen, about 10 min walk.
Doors: 18:00 - first band at 19:00
Accessibility: the building is not accessibility adapted, send us a pm if you want further details
If you are racist, sexist, homophobic or an asshole… DON’T COME!
Gula Villan, Folkparken 17, 136 40 Handen
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NMC: Bitov Terror + RIST + Skabara + Käftsmäll
Ab 150,00 SEK