Living room piano concert at Hannah Skrinar's place
Living room piano concert at Hannah Skrinar's place
Ab 180,00 SEK
Welcome to an unique living room concert on Hannah Skrinar's piano in Brussels hosted by Hannah and her bandmate Freddy Festin.
Earlier this year, I released an acoustic instrumental piano album, called "Björkris I". It's about life in an rental apartment. I'm currently doing a tour at people's home's, wherever there's a piano. This concert in Brussels is my first outside Sweden.
The music can be described as quiet and melancholic, and the audience often lays on a blanket or in a couch. Feel free to rest or fall asleep!
Friday octobre 11th Doors open: 7 pm Concert: 7.30 - 8.30 pm
Ticket's: 20 euro (cash or card online purchase)
There's 30 tickets available, so to be guaranteed a ticket, you can buy yours in advance here
I played the piano all the time when I was a child. When I grew older I began to play rock. For about ten years I toured almost all the time with the bands Cult of luna, Mattias alkberg and Convoj. But then my life changed. I quit the bands, got a child and later got divorced. I moved into a rental apartment in a neighbourhood called Björkris, and I bought an acoustic piano at a flea market nearby.
In this new situation, I had to reassess my approach to playing music. I played at home after I had put my daughter to bed. I didn’t want these moments by the piano to be something characterized by productivity, and I envisaged them as a walk in my home, sort of. The piano moments became a free zone from demands and trudges.
Playing the piano in my apartment also brought other limitations and approaches compared to playing in a rehearsal room. In my home, I’m always surrounded by an involuntary, anonymous audience – my neighbours. This has affected my way of playing. Instead of endless repetitions and scale practise, I play new improvised and harmonic tunes every night. Until 10 pm when it has to be silent.
It’s now become an album, produced by Hans Olsson Brookes. A walk in my apartment in Björkris, in the city of Kungsbacka, Sweden, where I live.
Rogierlaan 306, 1030 Schaarbeek
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Living room piano concert at Hannah Skrinar's place
Ab 180,00 SEK