Kundalini Shaktipat Satsang
Kundalini Shaktipat Satsang
Ab 333,00 SEK
Welcome to join Vaani Devi in the ashram in Rolsberga for another afternoon satsang with Shaktipat deeksha. Nurture your inner journey and divinely human unveiling. Glorious being.
In this session we allow old patterns to melt and remnants of our self-created limitations make room for divine knowing and bliss. We hope to provide a deepening of your journey of self-recognition and enlightenment.
If you are new to Shaktipat and the path of Siddha Yoga of Trika Tantra you are so welcome, read more down below, and if you have questions do not hesitate to email us on info@advaitashram.org
Jai ShivShakti!
Rolsberga Advaitashram sangha
500 kr per person
333 kr per person - discounted price - for task of inviting 100 friends to the Facebook event & posting the facebook event on your facebook page & tagging Advaitashram.
Awailable until a week before the event starts.
Awakening of Kundalini energy marks the onset of the spiritual awakening process and it is the aim of all yoga.
Kundalini unfolds the capability to experience expanded states of consciousness, clear emotional, mental as well as physical blockages. It unleashes our evolutionary mechanism and accelerates all biological processes, enabling higher brain function and DNA activation. This process leads to Enlightenment and Self-Realization, establishing the being in non dual bliss awareness.
Kundalini Energy transmission or Shaktipat from an awakened realized being is the most direct and essential element along the yogic and tantric paths. It is called Siddha yoga or Guru yoga traditionally. Shaktipat activates as well as navigates Kundalini and also helps in removing the dense blockages which can take ages to clear by themself and require a lot of struggle and effort to integrate. Shaktipat safely and naturally attunes you to Samadhi directly, without the use of effort, techniques or force. It is a yoga of surrender and effortless embodiment.
A salient feature of Shaktipat Siddha yoga is the release of pranic energy, leading up to inner spontaneous movements, shaking, spasms, twitching as well as involuntary yoga asana. These intricate kriyas, breathwork, spontaneous crying/ laughing and vocalisation in different languages, or very advanced postures and hand movements can arise spontaneously without any previous knowledge or study. The inner release of heavy emotional mental and physical blockages can the take the form of a purging and detox process.
Shaktipat can be received by all regardless of yogic or spiritual direction, with the following contraindications:
- Heart conditions
- Mental health disorders (Personality disorders, Depression with alternating phases of mania, Suicidal ideations etc).
"The retreat has done something that I may not understand yet. I would say it was the change from dissolving do destroying, in the best possible version of destruction. There is a clear sense of something irrevocably gone. Vajra's example of being physically ill and weakened during this retreat and yet being this unaffected power of liberation at the same time was also in itself a great teaching. Thank you to Vajra and Rohan from every corner of my heart."
Christian Dittrich-Opitz
”Min kundalini vaknade av Shaktipat från Rohan och Vajra för ungefär en månad sedan. Jag har alltid trott att det som beskrivs i yogans litteratur var metaforer. Vad fel jag hade! Under kirtan och
Shaktipat blev musiken till silverkulor (i brist på bättre ord) som rann som vatten över golvet och bubblade upp, runt och i mig. Sen växlade jag form några gånger, blev gigantisk, blev väldigt liten, blev en yoni och sedan ett torn som tittade ner i ett svart hål. Följt av elektricitet i mig, en sån vansinnig kraft och bländande vitt ljus. Efter ett tag gick det rakt ut i mina händer och stannade där. Men hur fantastiskt det än var så var det dagarna efteråt som var vackrast. Allt var kärlek och så otroligt levande och vackert, som att uppleva hela världen för första gången igen.”
-Sara Enquist
“During the first shaktipat session, I witnessed intensified stillness in the body, deafening silence in the mind, darkness- a void… my familiar friend i retreated into (though with lesser intensity). When Rohan placed his palm gently on my head, through this still, silent, dark void, I witnessed a beam of awareness penetrate my crown like a thunderbolt, strike through the heart, bounce off the base and rise back up enlivening the deathly void. As per Vedic texts, I can say I was struck by the vajra.”
Roopa Shenoy
“It’s been 3 weeks post Shaktipat with Vajra. Just wanted to share how much my practice has changed since then. I went from meditating 40min-1hr and now to 3-5hrs of meditation everyday. I thought I was experiencing bliss and absorption before but now it’s a whole new level, I fall into a meditative state very easily, quickly and deeply. The bliss is like an orgasmic force rising followed with bright white light or stars/fireworks. It all comes in waves moments of deep stillness and then the bliss just comes out all of a sudden and back to deep stillness that keeps going deeper as the meditation goes on.
I am so amazed and grateful for this rapid shift and so looking forward to next Shaktipat soon and to hear Vajra’s magical singing voice. Thank you.”
-Silvana Devaki Godara
“He could speak and appeal to me and my sense of scientific inquiry. He was able to demystify and make practical and real world applicable much of the ancient teachings and writings. It didn’t matter if it was Christian or Hindu, or Buddhist or Taoist, he could show me, and confirm for me the truth in any scripture or passage and do it in such a way that it became a change in me.”
Erik Stevensen
“Vajra embodies Grace in each particle of her being and with that touch of grace and ease she guides you effortlessly through any hardship. One simple touch or look can remind you of how simple it can be to…simply be. And all that other stuff, that we do to keep ourselves from true self-love, she silently holds space for in an all-encompassing way.
If one is looking for a Guru with Grace that embodies the Divine Feminine, without titles, entitlements, judgments or fluff, there is no doubt that Vajra will be the perfect reflection for that.”
-Bhavya Rai
“My heart just exploded energy rushes up and down my spine out top of my head crown lit up. I'm home! My heart just knows the truth and I spoke with god/source, “ I never left you my child” what on earth just happened. Tears and shaking and laughing I saw angel wings and a man in my vision.”
Claire Wooding
“With her gentle touch she meets you where you’re at and lifts you into growth. Her words are clear, articulate and light with detachment. Her radiant smile and calm voice is soothing to the soul. To me, she is living proof that words, culture, ideologies, theories, countries and all such false impressions are irrelevant… as a human whose root is in communion with it’s crown has nothing to do but silently emanate this gyan with grace. Deeply grateful for her loving presence.”
-Roopa Shenoy
“I had the immense joy and a deep heartfelt HOMECOMING, meeting Vajra. I stand in immense reverence for Rohan and Vajra for the field of energy. The experience was as gentle as it could be and the unfolding as potent it can BE.”
-Aaradhna Uppal”
“It’s only 10 months since i found this online ashram and started participating in the Shaktipat events, 1:1 sessions with Vajra, 7 day intensive transmissions and zoom meetings. I feel alive!
I see clearly, I can express myself without effort, I am confident, present, and mind is silent. I feel so natural, I literally feel home everywhere, I love and feel loved. I am love.
Many blocks and misconceptions have been cleared, Kundalini circuit flows up and down like a river without resistance, I enter shoonya, sometimes I merge with reality around me, I become everyone and everything.
This aliveness in the body, full of life energy!
I am the form of consciousness and bliss, I am the eternal shiva!
Forever grateful.”
Nour Zeibak
AdvaitAshram, Rolsberga 411, 243 69 Höör
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Kundalini Shaktipat Satsang
Ab 333,00 SEK