Icicle Entropy ft. Skittles+Technimatic [UK]
Icicle Entropy ft. Skittles+Technimatic [UK]
Ab 100,00 SEK
No holds barred, som dom säger i Storbritannien!
Varför ska vi vänta med att ha kul jämt? Vi passar på medan vi lever och sen när vi dör kan vi ha tråkigt. Därför bestämde vi oss för att inte vänta en enda sekund med att locka med er till nästa skank-session. Vi fixade fram det bästa vi kunde i bas-godisväg, smattriga 4*4-trummor, rump-gungande baskaggar och sub-basar utan dess like.
Line up:
Rum 1:
Icicle - Entropy Live ft. Skittles + Entropy Visuals
I. Spaceman
Rum 2:
Club Minimal
Rum 3:
Mofidy & Dilan
Hjälp oss att dansa fram våren! Det är inte långt kvar.. Skippa långkalsongerna, dra på era tunnaste t-shirts. Flipflops, shorts och stråhatt.. nu kör vi!!
• 22-03
• 120 kr / 100 kr förköp
• 21+ i dörren / 18+ förköp
• Ⓣ-Globen
Icicle Live & Skittles
Jeroen Snik – aka Icicle – is recognised as one of the most technically advanced and highly-respected producers in electronic music.
After commanding the attention of the masses with releases on labels such as Hospital Records, Soul:R, Renegade Hardware and Critical, Icicle made the move from Holland to London in 2008 and exclusively signed to Shogun Audio.
Following ground breaking singles including rolling d&b of 'Dreadnaught' to the deep dubstep of 'Xylophobia' Icicle dropped his debut album 'Under the Ice', in 2011 that saw him reach dazzling new heights, Icicle's continued need to explore other electronic genres saw him mixing a Rinse FM album installment and releasing his deeply intense 'BNC' dubstep EP on Shogun. All the while his own Rinse FM show would go from strength to strength.
2013 heralded another hectic DJ'ing schedule which saw him play at some of the biggest clubs and festivals accoss Europe, Australia and the USA. After high profile remixes for the likes of Icona Pop and Noisia it was his pivotal track 'Anxious' that sealed the year as part of Shogun's award-winning album compilation series 'Way Of The Warrior 2'.
With his production levels regarded as some of the best in the business it isn't surprising that the Icicle name has become synonymous with some of the best tech brands in the world. At the start of 2014 Icicle cemented this reputation releasing his very own patches as part of the brand new Molekular Modular unit by global market leading Native Instruments. Add to that his smash collaboration with Mefjus, 'Contemporary', and the year couldn't be off to a better start. And with rumour of his sophomore album nearing completion this may well be his biggest year yet.
With a reputation as one of the most flawless and exceptional electronic producers of his time, there's nothing else quite like the Icicle experience.
Musically rich, emotionally charged yet heavy drum & bass can be hard to come by these days so when the sounds of Pete Rogers and Andy Powell first wafted through the corridors of Shogun Audio HQ they immediately caught some attention.
Having started making music together back in 2008 as Technicolour & Komatic little could be known of what the future had in store but since then the boys have gone on to release their liquid infused mix of hyper-coloured D&B on labels such as Critical, Technique, Spearhead and a certain Sgn:Ltd.
Never resting their laurels Shogun Audio have been quick to recognise a bright future for the duo and are now very proud to announce the exclusive signing of Technimatic to Shogun Audio.
You can expect to be seeing and hearing a whole lot more from Technimatic over the coming months and years as they join the ranks of the one the biggest bass labels in the business.
Slakthuset, Slakthusgatan 6, 12162 Stockholm
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Icicle Entropy ft. Skittles+Technimatic [UK]
Ab 100,00 SEK