Heart Breath Cacao Pleasure
Heart Breath Cacao Pleasure
Ab 490,00 SEK
Welcome to a heart-activating evening of medicinal cacao, breathwork, and an exploration of pleasure and bliss within yourself, supported by the energy of community and live music.We, Ida and Sandra are happy to invite you to a beautiful evening of deep connection with your heart, your deeper self, and your aliveness.This is a celebration of the love within each one of us, and a celebration of our capacity to fill our hearts and bodies with healing love, pleasure and bliss.This is a mixed gender space, and you are welcome to bring someone with you, be it a brother, sister, mother, father, lover or friend, or come by yourself
.On this special evening we are weaving together our gifts, passions and many years of experience with individual and collective healing work, in a beautiful and playful way.Sharing with you a combination of things we love,
* Ceremonial space
* Delicious cacao
* Breathwork that supports and activates your connection to your heart, eros, life force and bliss.
* Safe space to feel and to heal
* Playful space for authenticity and celebration
* Coming into your body, your essence and open up your voice
* All supported by beautiful live music
We can't wait share this evening with you!Friday February 16th, 18.30 - 21.00Price: 590 SEK
Early signup (until Feb 6th) 490
Welcome to a heart-activating evening of medicinal cacao, breathwork, and an exploration of pleasure and bliss within yourself, supported by the energy of community.
Ida and Sandra are happy to invite you to a beautiful evening of deep connection with your heart, your deeper self, and your aliveness. This is a celebration of the love within each one of us, a celebration of our capacity to fill our hearts and bodies with healing love, pleasure and bliss.
Welcome to this safe and loving space.
Make sure to reserve your spot
Friday February 16th, 18.30 - 21.00Price: 590 SEK
Early signup (until Feb 6th) 490
Studio Touch, Väringgatan 25, 113 33 Stockholm
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Heart Breath Cacao Pleasure
Ab 490,00 SEK