Global Sound Movement (Rising Appalachia)
Global Sound Movement (Rising Appalachia)
Ab 450,00 SEK
Under festivalen Samskapelsen i Stjärnsund håller Rising Appalachia workshop "Global sound movement".
Rising Appalachia’s vocal workshops explore sound vibration and body movement as tools for self-awareness. The space is created to help each participant to embody the physical art of making sound from all the many resonators in the body. This workshop utilizes the expressions of the body through movement and music using a variety of techniques including vocal contact improv. creative sound improvizations, group harmonics, singing techniques and movement drawing upon Yoga and Modern Dance.
Chanting, Toning, Improvisational Voice Techniques, and Song Sharing is drawn from personal experience as well as music rooted in American Southern Blues, traditional roots music from New Orleans, Brazil, Malawi, Bulgaria, Cuba, Appalachia, the Balkans, and more. Global Sound workshops allow each participant to explore their individual voice as well as how our sounds relate to one another and how the relationship forms it’s own rhythmic harmonies.
-to heighten the awareness of world culture through song
-to instill a sense of originality, comfort, and expansion within the voice and the body
-to create an open avenue for self expression as well as group awareness and sensitivity
-to free the stereotype that people are born “singers” and draw focus to both the deep
training AND loose approaches to song.
-to heighten the importance of telling ones personal story through song and movement.
Stjärnsund, 770 71 Stjärnsund, 770 71 Stjärnsund
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Global Sound Movement (Rising Appalachia)
Ab 450,00 SEK