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  • Frames Collective (Göteborg)

    Veranstaltung beendet

    Frames Collective (Göteborg)

    Ab 40,00 SEK



    22. März 2019, 18:00 Uhr - 24. März 2019, 17:00 Uhr
    Billetto Peace of Mind
    Buchen Sie mit Vertrauen: Billetto garantiert eine Rückerstattung für stornierte Veranstaltungen, damit Sie sich keine Sorgen machen müssen. Erfahre mehr
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    Frames Collective is the 6th edition of Frames - Portuguese Film Festival.

    Collective movements, waves, images and sounds. The power of a society as a whole. The energy of a community as an identity. The strength of a group against a system. The beauty of a class learning together. Common beliefs and destinations. Shared protests and fights. Frames Collective is about cinema as a human and political gesture. What is the potency of synergy? What links us to each other?

    This edition of Frames - Portuguese Film Festival aims at, ultimately, redefining the idea of group through cinema: new narratives and aesthetics, new ways of thinking the concept of collectivism. “Fátima” (João Canijo) tells us the stories of eleven women on a pilgrimage to Fátima - a collective journey about faith. “The Nothing Factory” (Pedro Pinho) depicts a group of factory workers going on strike against a corrupt system. “Be(Longing)” (João Pedro Plácido) is about an isolated community in northern Portugal. “Childhood, Boyhood, Youth” (Rúben Gonçalves) follows dreams and hopes at the National Conservatory Dance School.

    This year, for the first time, we will have an International Premiere with the film “Childhood, Boyhood, Youth”, from Rúben Gonçalves. We will also have the pleasure to have the director at our festival in Gothenburg for an interview and presentation of his film.

    You can buy your tickets for the festival from the 20th of february. The festival will take place at Hagabion.

    Frames kids will take place at Stadsbiblioteket and the entrance is free.

    The full festival program can be seen at framesfestival.se

    When you buy a ticket for any of the screenings, we will give you a 10% discount on a Tugabox. The voucher with the discount will be send to your email after your purchase.


    This year's festival theme is [ Colossal Youth ]

    How is youth portrayed in cinema? Through what images and sounds can we define the energy of the new generations, their dreams and fears? How do they challenge traditions and invent new ways of life?

    It is imperative to listen carefully to young people, observe their freedom and return to the mysteries they know and which adults seem, at times, to have forgotten. In other words, travel back in time and go back to the moments that shaped everything that came after. Perceiving youth is, after all, perceiving who we are and what we can be.

    The selection of films for this edition was made based on the adequacy of the artistic work and the chosen theme, FRAMES COLOSSAL YOUTH, and, as always, based on the quality of cinematographic production in Portugal. COLOSSAL YOUTH, powerful youth.


    Linnégatan 21, 413 04 Göteborg


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    Veranstaltung beendet

    Frames Collective (Göteborg)

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