Flower Pressing Workshop
Flower Pressing Workshop
Ab 595,00 SEK
Come to the garden to press locally-grown and foraged flowers and herbs. You will learn how to press flowers, leaves to preserve them while learning about different plant usages. All necessary material is provided. Grab a friend or join the workshop solo. Workshop lasts approximately 2 hours.
What to Expect:
Upon arrival, each participant receives their own functional flower pressand Agnes guides you through the process of pressing a variety of fresh flowers, sourced from the medicinal plant garden and local foraging areas. You are also provided a selection of already dried plants to create unique botanical gift cards. Along the workshop Agnes shares inspiring information on each plant usages for example as food or making remedies. We also design your personalized plant print on a T-shirt or any textile you bring along. It's a fun and approachable way to express your creativity.
At the end of the workshop, you leave with your own flower press, and the collection of beautifully mounted gift cards. You get the clothe you brought with plant-printed —all delightful reminders of your day immersed in the world of botanical crafting.
Reserve your spot today to this workshop that promises to bring the joys of nature!
Nordiska Örter is a small herb farm situated in Uppsala that promotes the use of wild local plants for food, health and handicraft via workshops to connect people with their local environment and increase their self-sufficiency. Nordiska Örter also provides quality locally produced and wild harvested herbs that can be purchased on Etsy https://nordiskaorter.etsy.com
Agnes is the founder of Nordiska Örter and the course leader. Agnès Brosset has a PhD in plant ecologist and has always been enthusiastic about sharing her skills and knowledge about plants. She has been crafting with herbs for 6 years, and is a homesteader living totally off grid, foraging, growing vegetables, and preserving foods to be more resilient and to reduce her dependency on grocery suppliers.
To be informed of upcoming events, follow Nordiska Örter on instagram https://www.instagram.com/nord...
Visteby, 74178 Uppsala
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Flower Pressing Workshop
Ab 595,00 SEK