Faux Ferocious
Faux Ferocious
Ab 150,00 SEK
Lazy Octopus & Woah Dad presenterar:
Faux Ferocious
21 september, Melodybox
Faux Ferocious is Reid, Dylan Jonathan and Terry. Reid plays drums, Dylan plays bass,Jonathan and Terry play guitar and sing. They love each other and they love you.
Pretty Groovy marks the first studio album from Faux Ferocious and their first LP release with Burger Records After years of subsistence recording on every broken Tascam machine in Middle Tennessee, Faux Ferocious took their figure-it-out approach to freak out rock n’ roll and hit the road to work with audio whiz Drew Vandenberg at the famed Chase Park Transduction in Athens, GA. They ate together, smelled each other and broke down the ego achieving an instinctive sound that allows expert musicianship and simple, evocative lyrics to work as one highlighting the duality of space and constraint.
This record finds the sweet spot. It is angular and arresting, it is fast, it is repetitive, it is kosmische, it is punk. It drones, it loops and swirls around. It is guitar rock for people who wonder what it would be like if Ron Asheton and Michael Rother were also in Crazy Horse. The songs on this album allow each musician to stand out without taking over. The lyrics are clear and you can follow the thread of each instrument and each word and just when it feels like it might unravel it snaps back into shape leaving you dangling you from a cliff wondering how you got there. It is music for taking drugs, it is music for cleaning the house, it is music for hard labor or quiet reflection.
Support + DJ TBA
Konsertarrangör och skivbolag med bas i Stockholm.
Melodybox, Mejselvägen 33, 126 38 Hägersten
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Faux Ferocious
Ab 150,00 SEK