Departure Boatclub
Departure Boatclub
Ab 250,00 SEK
Departure boatclub goes Pride Rehab Edition x Slutrave x LOL-lesbian out loud x Faggotry
MeiYáo(LOL, Drömfakulteten) b2b MyNa(Mahoyo)
WEXT (Faggotry)
Harami (Faggotry)
patchouly (Faggotry)
Dgeral (Slut rave)
Rasuul (Slut rave)
Linda Pistol (Psychadelic Dolphins)
Departure Boat Party leaves from Strandvagen Port And sails along the Stockholm archipelago passing by the Gay Villages. The Boat can host up to 100 guests. Best queer Club DJs, Vegan food and a bar with a fine selection of drinks.
We set the anchor for the pride rehab Queer Boat Party, the maritime party highlight of the year!
On this day, the ship shines again in a very special rainbow way. With a dancefloor on 2 decks and an open-air and chill-out area, a perfect ambience awaits you, leaving nothing to be desired.
The Djs will bring the ship's planks to the quake with driving beats.
If you need a breather in between, relax in the chill-out area on the front outer deck with an ice-cold drink and enjoy the extravagant atmosphere on the water while we passing thru .......
The boarding starts at 12 o'clock and the departure is shortly after.
Get started and full speed ahead for this unique queer party experience!
Presented by Mahoyo, Fagottry, Slut Rave & Linda.
Timely appearance and ticket sales online on our Facebook event, because the number of participants is limited.
6 hours pride rehab queer party cruise on the Stockholm, Archipelago.
Advance sale 250 kr
Minimum age 23 years
This event will sell out online! Book in advance to secure your space! – 250kr including Vegan food.
Tid: 12-18 Söndag
Plats: Strandvägen kajplats 17
Bli medlem i båtklubben
Along with the most interesting local acts, we invite you to a small festival on the sundeck while we float around the Stockholm archipelago.
Sundays 12-18
Strandvägen kajplats 17
Get your membership at the boatclub
Please note that you may be filmed and pictures of you may be transmitted on television, online platforms and as mobile content at any time in the future.
By entering the venue, you hereby consent to all such filming and to unrestricted transmissions of any resulting programme.
Strandvägen kajplats 17A, Strandvägen 13, 114 56 Stockholm
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Departure Boatclub
Ab 250,00 SEK