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  • Dance to Release with Rosanna and Filip

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    Dance to Release with Rosanna and Filip

    Ab 300,00 SEK



    23. März 2024, 16:30 Uhr - 19:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Welcome to a dance session with the purpose to release.

    In this event we will explore the widely forgotten human ability to process things through our bodies, together as a group. We will use movement, breath and sound to build our own energy and the energy between us.

    The session begins with a short meditation and breathing. Then I will guide you through a warm up phase where we start low on the ground, landing deeply in our bodies, the space and with the group. Gradually we’ll then start to wake up the parts of us that might be stiff, stagnated or stuck using methods like twerking, shaking, bouncing and making sounds.

    After the warm up there will be a wordless phase where we’ll explore how we can use immersive dance to facilitate release, together. This will be a co-created embodied inquiry of what can emerge when there is a shared intention on a dance floor. How can we stay in touch with processes taking place in our own system without breaking the connection with each other? Is there a way for us to facilitate each other’s processes by being transparent and authentic in our own expression? What happens if a group of dancing humans allow themselves to be not only inspired by but directly responsive to the movement and sounds of people around them? These curiosities are all open invitations to play with during the wordless phase.

    To make sure there is enough time for integration and landing, we will finish with a phase of relaxation and rest before we close the space together.

    The music will be a pre-recorded DJ set, with tracks intentionally selected and mixed by me to support us through the entire journey. It will include meditative invitations to go inwards, and a slow building electronic trip through funky, sexy, primal, emotional, epic, uplifting and warm energy.

    Before the event, I will ask of everyone attending to feel into what you want to release, write your intention on a note and bring it to the dancefloor. It could be a tension in your hips, unhealthy stress, an ex or an animal you keep hidden inside you. Perhaps you want to release a new part of yourself, or an old one. You might not even know exactly what you want to release, but you feel something is stuck, and you long to let it loose. Then just write that.


    • Don’t eat a heavy meal within the hours

    • Prepare practically and mentally to be completely present for 2,5 hours. No obligations, no phones (bring pen and paper if you want to be able to write something down).
    • Wear clothes that you not only feel free to move in but that you also like to wear. No brands or texts visible please.
    • Bring an intention about something you want to release (might be something else in the end, or several things, but I encourage you to have an intention, written down on a note; “I want to release (something)”.


    • Time: 23 mars november 16.30 - 19.00
    • Location: Yogarummet Björkhagen (Yogasalen). Halmstadsvägen 43, Johanneshov. Enter through the café.
    • Cost: 300 kr/person, previous participants in Nysnö Retreat Programs & members of Psykedeliska Sällskapet 200 kr.

    WHO AM I?

    My name is Rosanna Rippel. I process stuff mostly through my body, and I have been doing this on various immersive dancefloors for many years. For me, this kind of movement and dance has become a natural and vital outlet. I even dare say that it has fundamentally changed me.

    Discovering and becoming confident in this way of releasing things physically and energetically has created a curiosity in me to both share what I have found to be extremely helpful with others in a more structured way than simply dancing; but also to experiment with how we can do it together. I believe there is a largely untapped potential in that.

    With enthusiasm!

    Rosanna Rippel


    This event is organized by Nysnö, a psychologist company with special knowledge of psychedelic experiences and altered states of consciousness. Since 2021, Nysnö arranges retreat programs with legal retreats in the Netherlands. With our Swedish events, we intend to contribute to the psychedelic community and assist with the integration of psychedelic experiences. Read more at nysno.se/community



    Yogarummet Björkhagen, Halmstadsvägen 43, 121 53 Johanneshov


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    Dance to Release with Rosanna and Filip

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