Breath session
Breath session
Ab 200,00 SEK
This is a method that allows you to use your breath to connect with your body and emotions. Using this tool you’re able to find the blocks in your body and gently give them space to move. Working with emotional trauma works best when we include body work as it helps us to release the trauma from our bodies. Emotional trauma often shows up as tension in particular places in our bodies where it has been stored. This places are often related to our chakras which are energetic centres that hold particular energy in our body (example- root chakra, located at the base of the spine or at our groin, related to our feelings of safety and support, it’s also the chakra that connects us to the earth and allows us to feel grounded. This charkas basic right is to feel safe in our bodies and feel a sense of belonging on this planet).
This work can go very deep but still be very gentle. I will slowly ease into it and allow things to unfold naturally. I do know from experience that it takes time to connect to our breath and allow our bodies to move with it. Many people aren’t used to breathing “properly” so just breathing can be a challenge in itself.
This first session is a chance for you to just experience breath work and see if you would like to work with me.
Come as you are and try to let go of any expectations. I know that this can feel like intimate work for many and it’s often out of our comfort zones, so I encourage you to move past your fear and try something that might benefit you in many ways. You’ll know if this feels right. Maybe you don’t understand what I mean by intimate so I’ll explain. Allowing ourselves to breathe loudly, be free with our bodies and move might be something we’re not used to, hence the intimacy. It’s certainly not something that is encouraged in our society and something we very rarely see people do.
I welcome you into the safety of my home. I will do my best to make you feel very comfortable and if there’s anything you wonder just let me know!
Duvbergsvägen 73, 143 44 Vårby
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Breath session
Ab 200,00 SEK