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BrainGymnastics Academic Booster Camp

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BrainGymnastics Academic Booster Camp

Ab 810,00 SEK



03. August 2020, 09:30 Uhr - 06. August 2020, 15:00 Uhr
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Academic Booster Camp

The Academic Booster Camp will focus on STEAM activities, hosted in different important scenic attractions in the heart of Stockholm, to jump-start your child's primary academic skills and boost their self-confidence with the upcoming opening of the school year. We will explore science, technology, engineering, art, and math in a playful way. Through these activities, numeracy and literacy skills will be practiced. Day to day modules will be provided to enhance and practice primary related concepts.

Aside from the exciting STEAM activities, your child will own an annual membership card at Tekniska Museet* which they can use to relinquish their experience at the Museum.

Read more at: BrainGymnastics Academic Booster Camp

Practical Info

About: A 4-day refreshing Camp focusing on STEAM to jump-start your child's primary academic skills and boost their self-confidence with the upcoming opening of the school year, supervised by seasoned specialists from various fields.
 5 -12 y/o
Teachers and trained Science Camp Leaders who are mostly students coming from KTH and other prominent Swedish universities belonging to different nationalities.
English and Swedish.

The 4-Day Camp Program

Day 1: The Vasa Ship Adventure  - “Take a leap, explore a ship!”
The Campers will take-off discovering the famous Vasa Museum, explore and learn how old boats are built. Understand the history of the VASA ship, why is it famous and why did it sink? Learn about buoyancy, displacement and other related concepts of what makes a boat float. Different math drills and interesting literary facts about navigation and trade.

Day 2: Tekniska Museet Expedition - “Let the wonders begin!”
Exploring the different areas of Tekniska Museet emphasizing math and science connectives to the different exhibits in the museum. A lot of engaging activities and follow-up lessons on every station. Differentiated modules according to age will be delegated to each participant to enhance their experience in the museum.

Day 3: Moderna Museet Art Awareness - “What’s that? Art!”
Patience is becoming a rare trait as our young learners are paced with fast digital transitions. This day aims to expose the Campers to do a variety of outdoor modern art styles to engage their attention in producing creative subjects.
Patterning, cause and effect, critical thinking skills, spatial reasoning are just some of the salient features of Art which help in boosting your child’s academic capabilities.

Day 4: The Final Venture - “Move ahead, we are ready!”
Recapturing their artistic side, venturing Djurgården to create a variety of art pieces from scraps.
Rounding up the week through literary and art composition. Summarizing the topics learned and reflecting on their experiences.
One last look, focusing on Hyper Human exhibited at the Museum. The future of humans and the role of artificial intelligence, what do children think about it?

4-Day Program: 3 400 SEK*
3-Day Program: 2 600 SEK*
2-Day Program: 1750 SEK
1-Day Program: 900 SEK
Sibling discount: Select SIBLING ticket to avail 10% sibling discount
Early bird: 10% off until July 15 

The fee includes a snack, entrance to the events, and materials for the activities. Students have to bring their own lunch and water bottle.
*The fee includes a T-shirt to be worn during the Camp and an annual membership card at Tekniska Museet


AT&L Stockholm AB is a company that provides academic learning events through a systematic approach for strengthening student’s skills and competence to gain fluency in different subject areas.

We want learning to be fun and exciting. We believe that children learns better if they are provided with a stimulating environment with focus on their interests and agile activities. 

Learn more about AT&L Stockholm

AT&L Tutorial Services provide individualised in-person and on-line tutoring programs for all Grade levels for both Swedish and IB Curriculum. Our programs aim to assist your child in building their competence and skills in numeracy and literacy fostering active engagement in school.

AT&L BrainGymnastics STEAM Camps presents opportunities for your child to build and enhance their curiosity through different hands-on STEAM activities. Different themes and creative activities boosting your child's curiosity and motivating their learning.

All children should love learning.


Viktor Rydberg gymnasium Odenplan Viktor Rydberg gymnasium Odenplan, Frejgatan 30, 113 49 Stockholm


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BrainGymnastics Academic Booster Camp

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