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  • 3 Dimensions of Agile - Probability Planning & How Thinking in Bets help you Plan & Make Smart Decisions in Uncertain Times

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    3 Dimensions of Agile - Probability Planning & How Thinking in Bets help you Plan & Make Smart Decisions in Uncertain Times

    Ab 2.400,00 SEK



    28. März 2019, 09:00 Uhr - 12:00
    Billetto Peace of Mind
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    Probability Planning Homepage

    Take first steps to become a master Probability Planner! ​

    2 day offer! Get 20% discount by using the code "IMPACTSEEKER"

    Who should attend?

    We are all decision makers and planners in some capacity. All of us take different kind of decisions and make some kind of plans every day. For some of us these activities are more or less essential in performing our daily work, and our ability to perform them efficiently and accurately determines our success. People with the following roles & responsibilities are definitely part of that latter group: 

    • Any Product & Team leaders responsible for product & team decisions & planning in fast paced business environments 
    • C-level executives in small and big companies feeling a sense of urgency in finding a faster, more efficient, agile and forward-thinking way of working
    • Agile practitioners on all levels, searching for a true dynamic decision & planning process to enable a true agile product development, as well as a framework for enabling real strategic and organisational business agility
    • Anybody else with a professional interest in a modern, more agile and future-proof decision & planning (roadmapping) process.

    What you will learn:

     We will introduce you to methods and tools enabling you to build and maintain a successful planning & decision making process. Based on: 

    • continuous learning (short, fast and the right feedback cycles), 
    • setting up, aiming for and achieving ambitious goals (outcomes/impact, not output) 
    • fuelled by transparent and open communication (seeking the perfect balance between focused alignment & team autonomy enabled through principles of freedom & responsibility). 

    The following key activities and tools are in some capacity and to some extent part of every Probability Planning cycle:

    • THE NOW & THEN (FUTURE) - Scenario planning, customer- & business modelling 
      The continuous learning loop feeding our view of the world right now as well as the outlook for the near and more distant future, is established and constantly calibrated through the lens of scenario planning, customer- & business modelling (both Now & desired Future) and future narratives. Utilise "mental time travel" to support decisions today. Use past and future versions of yourselves as decision support, decision buddies, as Annie Duke* calls them.
    *Author of "Thinking in Bets - Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts"
    • THE ROAD TO IMPACT - Impact / future betting & Impact- and road mapping
      Based on this understanding of the world and future outlooks, we set out what we want to achieve and how, by placing bets on what to focus on and investing our efforts in, utilising impact- and road mapping techniques for defining (steps, relations, priorities, dependencies etc), visualising and communicating the road ahead.
    • NAVIGATION & WAY OF WORKING - Continuous Probability Estimation & Calibration
      Based on our desired impact - the outcomes we aspire to achieve as well as the confidence we have in our own ability to do and accomplish what's needed to reach them - we continuously make probability estimations of those aspirations actually being realised.

    We will give you a first taste of how these tools work, how they connect together in a framework and how we utilise them in the Probability Planning process.

    Why is this important?

    Take the first step towards mastering business and company navigation in uncertain terrain, a k a in an unpredictable & rapidly changing business environment. Probability Planning is a decision making & planning tool and support aimed at giving some structure and stable footing in an otherwise somewhat footloose environment. 

    Because of these shifty and rapidly changing contexts and conditions, planning or creating roadmaps becomes dynamic, almost organic, activities. Or should be. 

    We need a more agile way of working with short and fast feedback cycles and a dito decision support to enable a responsive decision making & planning process informed by our freshest, most updated picture of the world around us. At least the part of it that is of most relevance to us - something (relevance to us) that more and more also becomes a subject to constant change.

    Visit the Probability Planning Homepage


    ”Life’s poker, not chess”*

    The secret behind being a succesful decision maker in uncertain terrain, is to focus more on the process, the art of good decision making, than on what the outcomes of those decisions might be. We cannot act after conditions of certainty in an uncertain landscape – it’s a guaranteed recipe for failure. 

    We need to acknowledge the uncertainty of things – that the future is impossible to predict – and then play the hand we are dealt best way we can. This is fundamental to kick-start real learning, and it starts with acknowledging that we are not sure about the outlook of things, but we aspire to seek the truth and be as accurate as we can. 

    When treating decisions more as bets on future outcomes, it becomes more natural for us to face reality and overcoming all the biases that has such a stronghold on our decision making.

    When we focus on our own state of knowledge and based on that aspire to be as accurate as possible in our decision making & planning process, we take the first steps in setting up ourselves for success. To eventually achieve the very outcomes – our ambitious objectives – we aspire for. 

    *Again, from Annie Duke – ”Thinking In Bets”. Our Probability Planning framework is, aside from our own experiences, based on and inspired by the work of many of todays great thinkers and practitioners from a wide range of areas, and Annie Duke is definitely sitting comfortably on the front row of this distinguished crowd.


    We Help Ambitious Teams & Companies Seek & Make Impact


    The Attic, Kalendegatan 10D, Malmö


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    3 Dimensions of Agile - Probability Planning & How Thinking in Bets help you Plan & Make Smart Decisions in Uncertain Times

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