Wooguru - Free Flow
Wooguru - Free Flow
Fra SEK 50,00
#Free Flow
: I am the one researching on the sound deriving from body movement that is the key material connecting through body and mind and nature. Sound resonates directly on a human body that is composed of up to 60% water what is affected sensitively by sound, and each frequency of sound is differently interpreted by instinct rooted in its body.
: Technically, sound only occurs as a result of physical movement. And a human body is that only can be sustained by constant physical movements such as breathing and heart beating. Therefore in a human body, sound cannot be separated from physical movement and the inner movements make a human body move then function as a main agent of all human activities. And a human body is a spiritual entity of its existence, not just a physical material. Accordingly, human being’s spirit is realized by its physical movement that is called as the arts. And a research on the sound can be considered as the radical approach towards an origin of creation, a certain essence of human being.
: I therefore realize this innate flow as it is what makes me exist as I am. I breathe and dance with the sound created by my body movement. I precisely aim at materializing the physicality flowing toward musicality through my body movement and its sound. The sound deriving from body movement not with other material has a rawer and stronger frequency therefore it can be a very direct expression of its energy as it is. In that sense, human body itself can be considered as an acoustically, visually multi dimensional expression complex. This is abstract and primal expression touching unconsciousness. The spiritual depth of sound is not able to be measured consciously, but nevertheless a human body is unconsciously able to recognize a certain depth of sound, what reflects on its level of devotion towards the essence of life.
: This concept is developed into a unique way of expression called by Free Flow that is based on radical movements such as breathing, walking, running and jumping. And Breathing is the most important part among the others, because it’s the prior condition of existence. Every living being should be supplied oxygen by breathing for its life. Therefore, my work fundamentally focuses on how to breathe properly, and how to connect through all body parts and flow naturally together. And the sound created through this physical process is amplified by a special setup that mainly consists of contacts microphones and panels. This system set a body to interact tightly with the sound and maximizes its effect. Plus, I often perform with a cello or piano to emphasize the musicality of my body in a more clear way.
Gothenburg Fringe begins its quest to bring you brilliant performing arts around the year with our showcase on 4-6 March 2022!
And with our main event on 7-11 September, there's something for everyone at Gothenburg Fringe with theatre, music, dance, comedy, improv, installations and much more to enjoy.
Göteborgs Dramatiska Teater, Stigbergsliden 5B, 414 63 Göteborg
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Wooguru - Free Flow
Fra SEK 50,00