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02 apr 2025 kl. 19:00 - 21:15
Billetto Peace of Mind
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2 april: 19.00 

Bio Skandia (Drottninggatan 82)

SEMYON SLEPAKOV is a comedian of a rarely seen talent. It's no exaggeration to say that he literally re-invented humor in his native Russian language.

A Youtube icon with many millions of views, TV producer, script- and songwriter – SLEPAKOV is an institution in itself.

SLEPAKOV has been a witty and powerful critic of Putin’s regime long before Russia’s illegal full-scale invasion into Ukraine – that he publicly condemned. Putin’s “Ministry of Justice” stamped artist as a “foreign agent”. SLEPAKOV was banned from performing in his native country and currently lives in exile.

SLEPAKOV’s parents (as well as himself) were born in Southern Russia, and his deeper family roots are Ukrainian: Odessa, Poltava, Kharkiv, Chernobyl. Both grandfathers were serious economists and predicted a similar life path for little Semyon. At first, family traditions bore fruit: SLEPAKOV even defended a PhD thesis with a difficult-to-pronounce title: "Market Adaptation of the Reproductive Complex of a Recreational Region" - he researched the development of tourist resorts in a Very Serious Manner.

Nevertheless, it was far not economics but humor that became his profession: stand-up shows, viral Youtube videos that evoke Homeric laughter from the public, millions of views on the Internet, scripts and production of incredibly popular TV series – as a comedian SLEPAKOV is really one of a kind.

Even now, in quite dark times in Europe, his connection with the audience is as alive as ever, and concerts around the world gather full houses. There’s room for songs, monologues, life stories and, of course, witty and hearty conversations with the audience.

And now it’s time for the Nordics! For the first time ever, SEMYON SLEPAKOV brings his big solo program to  Stockholm. Don’t miss the unique evening full of top-notch humor, let yourself burst into laughter, sing along together with SEMYON and be sure: we shall overcome!

* The show is in the Russian language, without translation.


Welcome friend! 

AIT Music Production & Goldenzwaig Creative Solutions are partner companies, active in Sweden and Finland since the early 2010s. Music is our passion and audience's best possible experience is our top priority. 
Laibach, Okean Elzy, Little Big, Helen Marnie/Ladytron, Kazka, Boombox, Vopli Vidopliassova, Boris Grebenshikov,  Andrey Makarevich, Splean, Jay-Jay Johanson, The Legendary Pink Dots, Alexander Hacke/Einstürzende Neubauten,  Noize MC & Monetochka, Trubetskoy, Onuka, Alyona Alyona are just a few of the great artists we had an honour to present on Scandinavia's best stages. We know <nearly!> everything about the Eastern European scenes - and many more.

Let us make your concert experience unique and welcome to the show!


Bio Skandia Bio Skandia, Drottninggatan 82, 111 36 Stockholm


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