PEIA - Live in Stockholm - Concert 25/8 Workshop 26/8
PEIA - Live in Stockholm - Concert 25/8 Workshop 26/8
Fra SEK 540,00
(please note we have separate tickets for these days)
Peia Luzzi is an American born song collector, writer, teacher and multi-instrumentalist based in the mountains of Appalachia.
Like water from a deep well, she draws inspiration from her ancestral roots of Celtic and Old World European folk music. With a voice that dances nimbly from Child Ballads and 17th C. Irish laments, to Scottish Waulking Songs, and Bulgarian mountain calls, she has traveled & studied extensively over the past 12 years to reconnect with her own ancestral song tradition.
With live performance often described as timeless and transcendent, the ensemble transports audiences through hypnotic rhythms & soaring ethereal vocals. Accompanied by double bass & percussion, The trio comes together from The United States, Canada & Israel with Liron Meyuhas on Percussion and Peter Klaassen on Double bass. Together they create a lush organic soundscape for mesmerizing performances & authentic re-imaginings of traditional folk treasures, as well as a collection of Peia’s original songs.
Monday between 18-21.30
Song of the Ancients - Voice Opening & Cultivation Work
Venue at Skeppargatan 7, Östermalm
"I firmly believe that each one of us has a uniquely powerful voice. A voice that can resound from heaven and earth, bringing harmony and healing to ourselves and the world around us." -Peia
Join song collector and voice specialist, Peia Luzzi, for an empowering 3 hour workshop to open the primordial sound within you. Learn to harness the power of your true voice and sing with joy and ease.
Read more about the workshop here!
ALRUNA - Rooting for You
ALRUNA aims to hold a ceremonial space where it is possible for anyone who feels called to experience a sense of deep interconnectedness.
Our vision is strikingly simple.
In a world that is constantly spinning faster and faster our invitation for you is to SLOW down and feel yourself if only for a moment. If you are able to let go and let life do its thing instead of you DOING it only for a few seconds you will feel it. You will BE it. From that space anything is possible.
We want to create a sanctuary in the middle of Stockholm, a safe haven if you will, with a collective intention to open up our hearts. We believe the healing potential that lies within this co-created field of love and relaxation is enormous.
Over 2000 people have already experienced an ALRUNA gathering.
This autumn we welcome:
Looking forward to greet you in slow motion <3
Eric Ericsonhallen, Kyrkslingan 2-4, 111 49 Stockholm
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PEIA - Live in Stockholm - Concert 25/8 Workshop 26/8
Fra SEK 540,00