Fra SEK 495,00
AIT Music Production and Goldenzwaig Creative Solutions
proudly present
Thursday, October 13th
OKEAN ELZY is The biggest act that the 42 million country of Ukraine ever witnessed. A world class rock band and a national legend, well famous all over the world.
For the first time in history, in 2016 OKEAN ELZY includes Sweden in its tour route. The band hits the road for a 2-year long World tour to support its ninth studio album ‘Without limits’ (Ukr: “Без меж”).
Okean Elzy has previously released 8 iconic studio albums: “Tam, De Nas Nema” (1998), “Yananebibuv”(2000), “Model” (2001), “Supersimetriya” (2003), “Gloria” (2005), “Mira” (2007), “Dolce Vita” (2010), “Zemlya” (2013).
Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, the lead vocalist and founder of OKEAN ELZY, is a civic activist of a national scale and has a PhD in physics and mathematics. The national weekly “Korrespondent” included Sviatoslav Vakarchuk in the top hundred most famous and influential people in Ukraine.
Vakarchuk has taken part in the political life of the country. In 2005 he was elected a Member of Parliament of Ukraine and worked as a legislator in the Parliamentary Committee on Freedom of Expression and Information.
OKEAN ELZY’s frontman also engages in various social and cultural projects. He is the founder of the Charity Fund “Lyudi Maybutnyogo” (People of the Future). The fund finances and supports numerous projects aimed at the promotion and development of education, computer literacy and sustainability. Together with his fellow band members, he actively supported IOM and MTV Europe’s human rights campaign “People Are Not For Sale.” In 2003 Svyatoslav became an Honorary Ambassador of Culture in Ukraine. In 2005 he was titled Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Development Programme.
In the summer of 2014, OKEAN ELZY’s 20 years anniversary performance on Kyiv Olympic Stadium set the national attendance record with over 75 thousand fans in the audience. Within the ongoing tour, the band will perform on the most renowned stages of the world, including, e.g. Madison Square Garden in New York and Hammersmith Apollo in London in 2017. But before that it is a special honor for us to welcome OKEAN ELZY’s in Sweden for the first time ever!
Every OKEAN ELZY’s show is a one-in-a-lifetime experience.
Not to be missed: OKEAN ELZY: Debaser Medis: October 14th.
ATTN: Age limit: 18 y,o. and 13-17 y.o. if accompanied by adults ONLY.
With the suport of Ukrainian Youth in Sweden
Dear OE fans!
Your dedication has been truly amazing.
The band and organizers listened carefully to your requests.
And here you go:
we are proud to announce an additional concert with OKEAN ELZY in Stockholm on October 13th!
Q&As in connection with the extra show:
- Will the program be completely the same? - No. The band will perform its great hits at both shows, but no two OE shows are completely identical. Visit both if you are a Big Fan.
- May I take kids along? - Once again, we listened to your requests. Children aged 13 and older are welcome to the Thursday show in the company of an adult only. (Still no persons under the age of 20 are allowed at the Friday show.)
- I want to attend but on Friday only. - The Friday show is sold out. Think Thursday if you can;)
Welcome friend!
AIT Music Production & Goldenzwaig Creative Solutions are partner companies, active in Sweden and Finland since the early 2010s. Music is our passion and audience's best possible experience is our top priority.
Laibach, Okean Elzy, Little Big, Helen Marnie/Ladytron, Kazka, Boombox, Vopli Vidopliassova, Boris Grebenshikov, Andrey Makarevich, Splean, Jay-Jay Johanson, The Legendary Pink Dots, Alexander Hacke/Einstürzende Neubauten, Noize MC & Monetochka, Trubetskoy, Onuka, Alyona Alyona are just a few of the great artists we had an honour to present on Scandinavia's best stages. We know <nearly!> everything about the Eastern European scenes - and many more.
Let us make your concert experience unique and welcome to the show!
Debaser Medis, Medborgarplatsen 8, 118 26 Stockholm
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Fra SEK 495,00