Off the Cuff: Live Improv Comedy & Jam at The Park
Off the Cuff: Live Improv Comedy & Jam at The Park
Fra SEK 100,00
Off the Cuff: Improv Comedy & Jam at The Park
Join us for a hilarious evening of unscripted improv comedy and spontaneous laughs at The Park Södra! Get ready to witness some mind-blowing improvisation scenes as talented improvisers take the stage.
Off the Cuff features three fun acts each performing for 20 minutes:
Act 1: Spinoff
Spinoff is an improv group from Stockholm, with roots in Värmland and Göteborg. With a love for characters and comedy, they always try to find new ways to make both the audience and each other laugh.
Act 2: Köttet
The duo Köttet consists of Jesper Eriksson and Michael Håkansson. For a little over five years, Köttet has been playing shows all around, and outside of, Stockholm. Jesper and Michael aim for a playstyle that is physical and intimate, wild and surprising and with a direct and strong scenic expression.
Act 3: SCOOP
A goofy ensemble who enjoys creating authentic scenes and characters that are unpredictable and unforgettable. They create unique feel-good stories, looking to find humor in the everyday, or possibly in the extraordinary.
Pre-Show Jam
Before the show starts there will be a jam so that improvisers new and old benefit from some stage time creating some magical improv scenes together.
Situated at The Park co-working space on Magnus Ladulåsgatan 1 on Södermalm in Stockholm, this in-person event promises an unforgettable evening full of laughter and entertainment.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to enjoy some off-the-cuff comedy and have a great time with friends in the improv community. Get your tickets now!
Running Order: *
Doors Open & Jam: 18:00-18:30
Show Starts: 18:30
Welcome: 18:30-18:40
Act 1: 18:40-19:00
Act 2: 19:00-19:20
Interval: 19:20:19:35
Act 3: 19:40-20:00
Show Ends: 20:00
*All times are approximate
Playfully creates and hosts interactive workshops and events.
Our improvised theatre club 'Off The Cuff' showcases Stockholm's best up & coming improv acts. Our ambition is to build a destination for the Stockholm improv community and provide a venue for the best acts spanning comedy and drama.
Our workshops are focused on the subjects of presentation skills, storytelling and an improvisational mindset.
The Park Södra, Magnus Ladulåsgatan 1, 118 65 Stockholm
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Off the Cuff: Live Improv Comedy & Jam at The Park
Fra SEK 100,00