More Than Machine / Less Than Human
More Than Machine / Less Than Human
Fra SEK 150,00
Becoming Hyperhuman in an Age of Extremes
Yesterday’s magic is today’s technology.
We created machines to extend and enhance ourselves.
They enabled us to understand, craft and manipulate reality.
But in the midst of an unprecedented technological acceleration, where machines surpass us in domains considered to be exclusively human, we need to once again ask ourselves:
What is a human being?
Join us for More than Machine / Less than Human, a two day co-creative exploration of human possibilities in an era of technological extremes.
Combining a philosophical symposium, cyberdelic cabaret, and networking hub, this will be an opportunity to meet and forge friendships with philosophers, artists, scientists and entrepreneurs from the bleeding edge of 21st century culture.
The network space is an after-work and networking salon, offering an introduction to the main concepts and the theme of the event.
It will be an opportunity to make new connections, get to know some of the organizers, speakers, artists, and test out ideas in a live setting.
Our philosophical symposium brings together four experts from the frontlines of network culture, discussing the topic of humans and machines in the Internet age.
Join us for an afternoon of discussion, debate, and drinks, examining questions of art, desire, transcendence, sex and survival in the age of the machine.
Expect to get your synapses firing as we prime our minds for the epic evening celebration.
Featuring: Cadell Last, Thomas Hamelryck, Carl Hayden Smith and Daniel Fraga. Panel moderated by Raven Connolly.
Confronted with cheap, mass-produced AI “art” and copy-paste remixes of everything we once held sacred, the only viable response is to plunge deeper than ever into the depths of the human soul – and deal with the consequences.
In light of this, the cyberdelic cabaret is an affirmation of the human, all too human in all of us.
Join us on Saturday evening for a collective exploration of cyberspace, an immersive gallery featuring art, performance, music, costumes and shiny pretty things.
Prepare for a mad cyberdelic trip of laughter, tears, thrills, spills and extravaganza.
Turn on, boot up, jack in!
Security Notice from the Membrane
Please note, we reserve the right to remove anybody from the event at any time, if their behavior is deemed to be disruptive or damaging to the event, to other participants, and/or to themselves.
Disruptors will be immediately blacklisted from all future events by Dark Renaissance Productions and our networks.
Basically, don’t be that guy (or gal).
Support Dark Renaissance Productions
We are currently organising this event based on projected ticket sales. We have visions for many more events like this over the coming months and years. Any help with funding will go a long way.
If you are interested in helping to sponsor events by Dark Renaissance Productions, you can contribute via the sponsor ticket, or by getting in touch with us.
We are also interested in ideas for cross-promotional deals and partnerships. If you have a cool product or start-up you’d like to feature at the event, let’s talk.
Facebook Event
Pallazzot, Stenkolsgatan 1A, 417 07 Göteborg
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More Than Machine / Less Than Human
Fra SEK 150,00