Monthly Relateful Dojo
Monthly Relateful Dojo
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Monthly Relateful Dojo
Event Invitation:
Navi and I have a new initiative that aims to spread the practice of Relatefulness across Gothenburg. Our goal is to make this transformative practice accessible and welcoming to everyone. We're setting the stage for this journey on the first Wednesday of each month.
When asked to describe Relatefulness or Circling, even facilitators often pause, take a deep breath, and share an explanation that, while not always immediately clear, is poetically inviting. In many ways, the best method to understand Relatefulness is by experiencing it firsthand. Its essence lies in participation, reminiscent of ancient traditions and mystical teachings, where learning is deeply experiential.
Our Monthly Relateful Dojos are designed as an open invitation to embrace this experience. Here, you can play with various skills and concepts, diving in without the need for extensive prior knowledge. It's an opportunity for everyone to adopt a beginner's mindset, to view the world with fresh eyes and wonder. Whether you're familiar with Circling, Relational Mindfulness, or Relatefulness; whether you have a meditation practice or other forms of training - you're welcome to join us and learn collectively.
Relatefulness has proven to be an immensely powerful practice with diverse applications. Whether your goal is to enhance your communication and relational skills, to gain a deeper understanding of your own mind and presence in the world, or to explore the many paradoxes of life and being, Relatefulness offers a path. It's a practice that enables artistry, play, and authentic self-expression.
Details of the Dojo:
Cost: 50 SEK for first-timers, 150 SEK for returning participants.
Swish Andrew Ernst
Time: 18:00 - 21:00 (3 hours with a break for tea and fruit).
If you arrive late, please use the contact details below.
Please arrive a bit early to ensure we can start on time.
Location: Confirmed by email with booking.
Embracing Brave Spaces at the Monthly Relateful Dojo
Our dojo goes beyond just being a safe space – we aim to create "Brave Spaces." In these spaces, we embrace the risk and discomfort that come with genuine exploration. Participants are prepared to face and navigate discomfort together.
Should conflicts or hurt feelings arise, everyone is committed to working through these moments constructively. Brave spaces demand courage, acknowledging that resolutions may not be immediate. This approach fosters an environment for deeper growth and understanding.
Join us for a journey not just of comfort, but of courage and meaningful engagement in our relationships and self-exploration.
Who we are:
Navi has been playing with the form in and out of hen's profession as a bodyworker, and space facilitator since Burning man 2013. They have been trained in the Integral School in Amsterdam and has since been holding trainings here in Gothenburg and around Europe.
Ernst is Australian born and living in Gothenburg. Trained as a Circling Facilitator through Circling Europe and over the last year facilitating online with the Relateful Company
If any questions reach out to Ernst
Linnégatan, 41304 Göteborg
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