Life Dream Accelerator Preview
Life Dream Accelerator Preview
Fra SEK 280,00
Get on the fast track to achieve your life ambitions,
• Find out the top 3 obstacles that you need to overcome to live the life of your dreams and
• Learn how to turn any challenging situation into a way of reaching your goals faster and with full integrity.
About the speaker
Alan P Hill is a certified Trainer who has been trained by and shared the stage with Blair Singer - (Rich Dad Advisor and business partner of Robert Kiyosaki - author of bestselling book Rich Dad, Poor Dad). Alan has spent years learning from T Harv Eker, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, Dr Stephen Covey and many more. He has spoken in front of thousands of people in the UK in the past 15 years - and now he is coming to Stockholm for the very first time to share his unique message with you!
Alan P Hill was living a fairly normal life till he lost everything he had at the age of 25 in a tragic house fire at his family home. His Mum died in the fire and his family were homeless and overcome with grief. It was then that Alan made a decision that would change the course of his life forever...
As a result of that decision and starting from scratch, he set up 3 businesses in education, recruitment and property. He achieved his life ambition within 2 years, and got married to the love of his life. Now he has a multi million pound property portfolio, a multi million pound education business that helps thousands of people every year and he is financially free. Having recently sold his recruitment business he is now free to spend his time as he wishes. So he has chosen to use his skills and experience to dedicate his life to helping others learn his secret of success, and how you can put it into practice to achieve your goals and your life ambitions and so you can become financially free.
When I asked Alan to say something for the event info page he said:
"They say birds of a feather flock together, - and you never know who might be sitting next to you at one of these events. I met my wife at a seminar like this, and I have friends who have started businesses with people they have sat next to - so I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to be sat in a room of other people who share your interests in getting the best out of yourself and out of life...they say luck is what happens when opportunity knocks and you answer!"
Are you interested in meeting like minded people and getting in the fast lane to achieving your life dreams? - Then book today! Alan is a popular and highly energetic international speaker, - and there are limited tickets available - and I wouldn't want you to miss out".
The organizer
Katarina Biertz
Stockholm, 18335 Stockholm
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Life Dream Accelerator Preview
Fra SEK 280,00