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02 mar 2025 kl. 19:00 - 20:30
Billetto Peace of Mind
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🖐 GÖTEBORG, 02th of March ✨Join us for a soulful evening of live KIRTAN - MUSIC MEDITATION - with the international band SECRET FOREST. We will immerse ourselves in a beautiful atmosphere and harmonious chanting!

🌿 Sometimes we all need a moment to slow down, breathe deeply, and look within.

Meditation with mantra is a simple, powerful way to calm the mind and find inner harmony.


7:00-8:30pm - Kirtan Music Night

8:30-9:00pm - Refreshments and friendly chats 🌱☕

🗓 Date & Time: Sunday, March 2nd at 7:00pm

📍 Location: TR - Huset, Storgatan 3, 411 24 Göteborg

Duration: 1.5 hours


👉 What is Kirtan: sometimes called music meditation, is a joyful event that incorporates singing mantras, playing musical instruments and dancing. Kirtan doesn’t require any special skills, not limited to any religion, race or nationality.

👉 How does it work: listen to the beautiful sound of mantras, enjoy it and repeat. When many people come together and participate in kirtan meditation, it has an incredibly powerful effect on everyone involved. This will be an amazing experience for you - we promise!

👉 Price: Donation-based event. Donations and fees help pay for the expenses involved in facilitating the events. All donations go to our voluntary non-profit meditation movement, Be Peace, which is now spreading kirtan throughout Europe.

👉 SECRET FORÉST music band is an international group known for their soulful kirtan music. Combining traditional mantras with modern melodies, they create an enchanting experience that touches the heart and uplifts the spirit. Whether performing in intimate gatherings or large festivals, Secret Forest’s music fosters a sense of peace, unity, and joy for all who join their journey.

👉 Example of the music:


We open the doors approx. 15 minutes before the start of the concert.

Find us online:

🤍 https://secretforest-mantra.eu/

🤍 FACEBOOK: https://tiny.pl/bmjw2zbp

🤍 WhatsApp: https://tiny.pl/df658zy6

🤍 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/goteborgmeditation/

🤍 EMAIL: goteborg.meditation@outlook.com


Göteborg Mediation | Nonprofit organization

Hello & Namaste, welcome to the worldwide Meditation community. We created the Be Peace project and community, which aims to provide a platform for bringing people together for meditation. Göteborg Mediation is a community of people who support and promote the idea of ​​internal personal happiness and harmony.


(TR - Huset) Tempel Riddare Orden - Riddare Templet Felicia, Storgatan 3, 411 24 Göteborg


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