Hospitality Sweden
Hospitality Sweden
Fra SEK 385,00
DOORS AT 21.00
AGE: 18+
Hospitality is the global events arm of the leading UK drum & bass label Hospital Records. With 23 years in the game, it has become a staple at clubs, festivals and raves across the globe, famed for its unparalleled atmosphere, electrifying DJs and the greatest ravers in the world.
P Money x Whiney
Two champions of sound collide as the famous grime legend P Money joins forces with drum & bass innovator Whiney. This fusion of sounds ignites the world of bass music like never before. Achieving legendary status in their own respects, the infusion of P Money’s lyricism with Whiney’s production energy dominates the world of drum & bass and beyond as one of the most exciting collaborations to hit the scene unravels.
Fred VFred V is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter and producer originally from Exeter, UK. Fred finds inspiration from many genres, including film soundtracks, indie, minimalist classical, and synth wave, and combines them all with his signature drum & bass sound. This unique blend of styles has earned him a loyal fanbase and the support of leading tastemakers in the electronic music scene, such as Danny Howard, Clara Amfo and Charlie Tee.
LensOne of Drum & Bass’s hottest new talents, nothing is off limits when Lens is on deck. Her reputation for wild double drops and imaginative, eclectic selections proves beyond all doubt that her headline status is well-deserved. Working her way from the bottom-up, Lens cut her teeth supporting some of the scenes biggest names as well as gradually transmitting her energy and enthusiasm to the airwaves.
Music has always been in Degs’ blood, an accomplished pianist, guitarist and singer with militant flow and a golden voice, spanning eclectic tastes moulded by a musical family. The portal to the world of drum & bass was opened for Degs after first hearing the sounds of Bad Company and London Elektricity at 15 years old. Six years down the line, he picked up the mic and got on the stage. He swiftly became one of jump up’s best kept secrets and is now one of the most sought-after MCs on the circuit.
Ayah Marar
Somewhere between landing in the UK in 1998 and the present day, Ayah Marar has made a name for herself writing, recording and performing a wide array of bass and electronic music. Ranging from early collaborations with Drum & Bass stalwarts, Loxy and Ink, to pop chart-busters with Calvin Harris and DJ Fresh, and even sultry vocals for Jack Peñate, to name just a few.
Konserter och evenemang!
Stockholm, Sverige
Slaktkyrkan, Styckmästargatan 10, 121 62 Johanneshov
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