Geju at Fotografiska
Geju at Fotografiska
Fra SEK 85,00
Artificialia presents:
GEJU [Moscow]
Is a duo project launched by Georgy Topuridze and Denis Kurchenko in 2016. Their refined blend of instrumental samples, psychedelic effects and vocals gliding over a truly distinctive bouncy beat hypnotizes the crowd and makes it lose into an ecstatic dance. GEJU challenged the traditional concept of rave in Russia. It did not take long for the international acclaim to arrive, back the guys up, and turn them into the gurus of Chillrave.In 2016 Leveldva records was founded and shortly after the first Chillrave compilation was released under the finest GEJU curation, of course. Besides of their superb productions and the cooperation with inspiring artists, GEJU have been filling dance floors all over the globe and enchanting their crowds at acclaimed festivals such as ADE, Fusion Festival, Burning Man, the Monastery Festival, the Wildeburg Festival, and many more.Does this sound thrilling to you? Then get in touch with them or visit their cosiest bar of the Russian capital, the Leveldva bar.
Soundcloud :
Fabian Tanz
Linn Stigson Stern
Fotografiska's cocktail bar and Studio is a lounge and creative oasis, which turns into a night at the museum with a vibrant cocktail bar and a live scene. We hosted club concepts, dj sets and a variety of release parties within music, photography & film.
To create an unique sound landscape we created a concept of contemporary and futuristic electronica with influences of harmonistic ambient organica. We have handpicked specific acts from around the world to join us for this specific project together with the best locals support acts from Stockholm to enhance these special nights.This concept was given the names of ARTIFICIALIA - An art, futuristic culture and digital sound project that we bring to you as unique late night sets at Studio Live and your favorite museum, Fotografiska.
25 October 2019
20 - 02
Pre tickets 165 Sek
Fotografiska members pre ticket 85:- (personal & valid membership has to be presented at the door)
Tickets will also be sold att the entrance if not sold out á 200 Sek
To get discount code mail and attach your name.
Studio Live, Fotografiska Stockholm
Stadsgårdshamnen 22
116 45 Stockholm
Fotografiska Stockholm, Stadsgårdshamnen 22, 116 45 Stockholm
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Geju at Fotografiska
Fra SEK 85,00