Frames Love Stories (Göteborg)
Frames Love Stories (Göteborg)
Fra SEK 0,00
The latest instructions set by the Swedish authorities, which apply from the 24th of November for all public gatherings and events, have led the cinema venues to close their doors. Consequently, events that were to take place in the coming weeks have seen the need to revise their activities. In light of such new restrictions, the Frames organizing team has decided to postpone, once again, all its programmed events namely Frames - Portuguese Film Festival (Göteborg), Frames Kids – Göteborg, Frames - Portuguese Film Festival (Stockholm) and Frames Kids – Stockholm.
At the present day, the organizing team is still considering the different possibilities concerning Frames – Love Stories edition, and as soon as we have any news to share, we will communicate them in our channels.
We will soon get in contact with those of you who have already purchased your tickets, so that we can proceed with the reimbursement procedures.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for believing in this project. We hope you continue to do so and to bring you some of the best Portuguese films again, already in 2021.
In the meantime, stay safe and follow the safety recommendations of the authorities.
If you have any questions or would like to enter in contact with us, please send an email to
With love,
Frames – Portuguese Film Festival
This year's festival theme is [ Colossal Youth ]
How is youth portrayed in cinema? Through what images and sounds can we define the energy of the new generations, their dreams and fears? How do they challenge traditions and invent new ways of life?
It is imperative to listen carefully to young people, observe their freedom and return to the mysteries they know and which adults seem, at times, to have forgotten. In other words, travel back in time and go back to the moments that shaped everything that came after. Perceiving youth is, after all, perceiving who we are and what we can be.
The selection of films for this edition was made based on the adequacy of the artistic work and the chosen theme, FRAMES COLOSSAL YOUTH, and, as always, based on the quality of cinematographic production in Portugal. COLOSSAL YOUTH, powerful youth.
Hagabion, Linnégatan 21, 413 04 Göteborg
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Frames Love Stories (Göteborg)
Fra Gratis