Evening Workshop - Herbal oils & salves
Evening Workshop - Herbal oils & salves
Fra SEK 555,00
Come to learn how to make herbal oils & salves during this hands-on workshop.
Learning to make your own herbal products can be overwelming due to wide variety of choice and recipes, dosages, or due to the complexity of herbs. Having good guidance is crucial to navigating these challenges and this is why this workshop is made for you.
What to Expect:
Theory Session: We briefly define herbalism, explore different herbal preparations, understanding plant constituents and which plants are best for making oils & salves.
Practice Session: After a demonstration, we will together prepare herbal oils & salves while briefly go through different plants used and their properties.
Takeaway: Leave with your crafted salves along with newfound knowledge to use herbs into your daily life.
By making your own herbal products you will also:
-Save tons of money
-Start using herbs in your everyday life
-Take care of yourself with simple natural kitchen ingredients
-Be a starting point to deepen your knowledge about herbs.
Workshop plan:
- Introduction
- Brief history of herbs and herbalims
- Types of Herbal Preparations
- Different type of preparation
- What are herbal oils? What the different ways to make ite?
- Understanding plant constituents
3. Practice
- Step-by-step demonstration of preparing herbal oils
- Creation of oils & salves
Exact location will be announced in spring.
The workshop is part is of two other evening workshops for learning how to make remedies/herbal preparation. Check out other evening workshops: tea & decotion workshop, and the tinctures workshop. You can register to a single one or to the three workshops.
Nordiska Örter is a small herb farm situated in Uppsala that promotes the use of wild local plants for food, health and handicraft via workshops to connect people with their local environment and increase their self-sufficiency. Nordiska Örter also provides quality locally produced and wild harvested herbs that can be purchased on Etsy https://nordiskaorter.etsy.com
Agnes is the founder of Nordiska Örter and the course leader. Agnès Brosset has a PhD in plant ecologist and has always been enthusiastic about sharing her skills and knowledge about plants. She has been crafting with herbs for 6 years, and is a homesteader living totally off grid, foraging, growing vegetables, and preserving foods to be more resilient and to reduce her dependency on grocery suppliers.
To be informed of upcoming events, follow Nordiska Örter on instagram https://www.instagram.com/nord...
Kumbha, Sysslomansgatan 9, 75311 Uppsala
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Evening Workshop - Herbal oils & salves
Fra SEK 555,00