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Embodied Intimacy

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Embodied Intimacy

Fra SEK 200,00



19 dec 2015 kl. 00:00 - 20:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
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Accepterede betalingsmetoder:


What happens when you reorient yourself to the world from external to internal? What does it take to do this?

How can you let go of the stress of being the perfect being, and just relax into who you are in this moment?

How can we authentically embrace cooperative interactions rather than competitive modes of operation with others?

What roles do old traumas play in your life, and how can we masterfully yoke their wisdom, without carrying the pain into our next stage of life?

How can you come back to yourself in this moment, in every moment, in self-devotion to your spiritual health and purpose?

If any of these questions inspire your interest this would be a great workshop for you!
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodied-intimacy-stockholm-tickets-19927231887

Embodied Intimacy invites you to land in your being. Transition from grasping at life from the external level and a deep reorientation toward the internal.

Well inside we immerse in tribe together - with 360 degrees of authentic mirrors- at the speed of love.

By relaxing our nervous system, belly to belly, breath by breath, we can face that which is most sacred and profane within ourselves and emerge as liberated embodied beings ready to create our lives.

Embodied Intimacy practice generate a loving, spacious, and transpersonal field of energy and awareness. The process is simple, clear, magical and often includes:

- Using breath, sound, movement, and conscious touch to increase embodied awareness and connection.
- A focus on boundaries from within- how does a “yes”, “maybe”, or “no” feel from the inside.
- Dyadic intimacy exercises founded on transparency, authenticity and vulnerability.
- A slowing down of the sympathetic nervous system until the whole body is relaxed and safe.
- Cultivating safety. Within which, the barriers to love and connection are slowly melted away.
- Relational shadows and wounds,that are embraced and transformed. Each person in the room has a gift for everyone else, and holds a key to unlock a deeper self-acceptance and harmony within yourself.
- An interpersonal dance that guides everyone gently from a state of separation and isolation towards connection. From story, drama and trauma, towards intimacy, presence, and play.

At the speed of love we learn how to live from the wisdom of our heart.

What not to expect:
Even though the participants often experience emotional intimacy and physical affection, there is no nudity, running of sexual energy, or exchange of bodily fluids in this group.
You will not be required to do anything. Everything is an invitation; all activities are optional. Your full consent is the only requirement for your interactions with others.

When: Saturday, 19th of December 5:00pm-8:00pm
Where: Noden Sickla Industriväg 6 SE-131 54 Nacka, Sweden
Price: 200kr or 300kr for couples
For more information: EmbodiedIntimacy@gmail.com

*50% of all event sales will go to the Node to support their growing religious center/congregation. This event will specifically be fundraising to get some of the techinical equiptment they are in need of.

1. You can register online here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodied-intimacy-stockholm-tickets-19927231887
2. SWISH: 0709933661 (for Sweden) 46709933661 (for International) Please write the event name and your name in the comments box
3. Pay with cash at the door and send an email to EmbodiedIntimacy@gmail.com to reserve your space

*Please let us know if you face financial hardship. We are happy to give you a discounted price or you can come for free in exchange for volunteering some time at the node.*

Please let us know if you have any questions! ♥

About Buster Rådvik
Buster began his career in Sweden as a professional dancer and choreographer (1991-2002). His tantric journey started at the OSHO Humaniversity in the Netherlands where he attended addiction recovery and therapist training (1996-2002). After a ten-year career as a professional dancer and choreographer in Sweden he moved to the United States to study somatic psychology. After receiving his BA in Contemplative Psychology with a focus on Somatic Psychotherapy from Naropa University he received a Masters in Psychology with an emphasis on Family and Couples Therapy from Antioch University. For the last seven years he worked as a body-centered psychotherapist with clients who struggle with trauma. He is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) through the International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP). He is a trained Sensorimotor Psychotherapy therapist. Buster’s dharma is being by example and leading with integrity –showing others that the body is the pathway to liberation.

About Rachel Rickards
Rachel Rickards is an adventurous spirit in the realms of love, sex and relationship. Her natural exuberance gives permission to others to explore their authentic selves in uncharted territory. She first began studying Tantra 9 years ago and took a deep dive into the practice immersed in tantric community 3 years ago. She is adept at using sound and touch as a vehicle for unconditional love. She is a skilled event production coordinator with 10 years of experience, whose organizational genius and open arms make her the quintessential “hostess with the mostess.” With training in psychology, sex therapy and alternative/open relationship counseling, she is committed to helping others find their full creative expression in life and love.
Rachel has been featured on Showtime’s, Polyamory: Married & Dating, ABC’s Nightline and Sweden’s, 69 things you need to know about sex… as part of her pioneering efforts to take the art of loving more to the masses.

REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodied-intimacy-stockholm-tickets-19927231887



Noden, Industriväg 6 , 131 54 Nacka


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Embodied Intimacy

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