Apple Vinegar Making Workshop
Apple Vinegar Making Workshop
Fra SEK 555,00
The objective of this workshop is to learn you to make homemade vinegar from raw apples. Each participant will leave the workshop with a jar of prepared vinegar in starting fermentation stage. They will receive detailed instructions on straining and bottling the vinegar in their homes.
Turn Apples, Berries & Herbs into Flavorful Homemade Vinegars
Do you have too many apples, or are looking to learn to craft more goods for your skafferi? Come and learn the basics of making vinegar, a perfect way to use overripe, or damaged fruits and turn them into tasty homemade and natural vinegar!
Vinegar is a double fermentation process. First, yeast consumes sugars within fruits and produce alcohol; then consume the alcohol and convert it into acetic acid. During the workshop we go through the basics of vinegar making, prepare fruits, herbs to then make vinegar. Each participant may make 2 jars with any flavoring from the fruits and herbs supply. The jars are then taken home for the continuation of the fermentation process and for you to taste the result.
After the course, you will be able to create your own vinegar and repeat the process from making vinegar alone at home with many fruits and herbs.
Previous knowledge
The course is suitable for so many: those interested in fermentation, or in learning a way to reduce fruit waste by making vinegar. Or you might have too many apples at home and would like to know how to use and preserve them into vinegar, or anyone that wants to craft more goods at home with simple and natural ingredients.
Course material
Participants will be given recipe, raw material, and jars taken home are included in the course fee.
The course is planned to take place at the Nordiska Örter herbs garden situated along a forest road about 30 min from Uppsala, alternatively in Ulleråker in Uppsala. The exact place will be announced in spring.
Development opportunities
Making vinegar workshop is a first step into becoming more self-sufficient, learning about fermentation and preservation methods. Agnes also provides a lacto-fermentation course (mjölksyrning av grönsaker) if you want deeper knowledge and skills in food preservation. Find more info at “link to workshop”.
Nordiska Örter is a small herb farm situated in Uppsala that promotes the use of wild local plants for food, health and handicraft via workshops to connect people with their local environment and increase their self-sufficiency. Nordiska Örter also provides quality locally produced and wild harvested herbs that can be purchased on Etsy
Agnes is the founder of Nordiska Örter and the course leader. Agnès Brosset has a PhD in plant ecologist and has always been enthusiastic about sharing her skills and knowledge about plants. She has been crafting with herbs for 6 years, and is a homesteader living totally off grid, foraging, growing vegetables, and preserving foods to be more resilient and to reduce her dependency on grocery suppliers.
To be informed of upcoming events, follow Nordiska Örter on instagram
Visteby, Uppsala
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Apple Vinegar Making Workshop
Fra SEK 555,00