Fra SEK 100,00
Capital Sound System presenterar: ABA-SHANTI-I
Det är dags att släpa upp lådorna för det förbannade trappan på Vretenborgsvägen 5 igen, hurra!
Tacka alla som kom förbi senast på Jah Shaka, magisk kväll. Denna gång flyger vi över ännu än soundsystemlegend från UK. Alla som har varit på Notting Hill Carnival på söndagen eller måndagen i korsningen där east row möter southern row vet hur det låter, ni andra bör verkligen ta till vara på denna chans att höra detta.
Come one - come all - tell a friend to tell a friend.
Hjälp till oss att bjuda in folk till facebookeventet - sprid på instagram - supporta ditt lokala soundsystem så kan vi fortsätta göra fler kvällar och bredda kulturutbudet i Sverige!
Köp förköp: https://billetto.se/e/aba-shan...
Early bird: 100kr
Second early bird: 150kr
Presale: 180kr
Door: 250kr
Fredag 8 November
Vretenborgsvägen 5 (T) Midsommarkransen
23-04 / 180SEK förköp / 250SEK i dörren / 20ID
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Aba used to deejay on 'Jah Tubby's' sound system and at that time he was known as 'Jasmine Joe'. Those of you that were around the sound system scene in the eighties will remember the slightly extrovert mic man that 'Jah Tubby's' had; that was Aba.
When Joe embraced the Rastafarian faith he adopted a new and more positive attitude and with his rediscovered faith a new name.
That name was and is 'Aba Shanti-I',pronounced ABA SHANTI-EYE not ONE. So you see the name 'Aba Shanti-I' is not just the name of the sound system, it is the name of the person that is playing the sound.
Over many years Aba has been playing his sound, and the music created by his brother Blood Shanti on that sound, in small and large halls throughout this country and in the process has developed a following covering the widest spectrum of Jah's humanity. Black/ White/ Asian /Young /The Not So Young /Rastafarians /Bald head /Dread. All races. All creeds. All genders. We don't segregate, we integrate.
They come because an 'Aba Shanti-I ' session is synonymous with a vibe and a feeling.
No one at an Aba session is made to feel strange.It is not about what you look like, it's about who you are and what is in your heart!
People come to discard their worries and to lose themselves in the music and by doing so cast off the mental shackles from their mind and the yolk from around their shoulders, find themselves, be at peace and be free.
The vibe that Aba generates has brought him to the attention of the media on a worldwide basis and he has been the subject of numerous articles in domestic and foreign magazines.
This has resulted in 'The Aba Shanti-I' sound system and 'The Shanti-ites' live band being invited to tour Europe on a number of occasions to bring the vibe to a larger audience.Everywhere we have played we have been greeted by enthusiastic patrons who have been so happy to be 'experiencing the fullness' of 'Aba Shanti-I' and 'The Shanti-Ites' live and direct and in their own backyard.
Vretensborgsvägen 5, 126 30 Hägersten
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Fra SEK 100,00