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Summer Innovators STEAM Camp 2024 (Jun 24 - Jun 27)

Summer Innovators STEAM Camp 2024 (Jun 24 - Jun 27)

Från 4.395,00 SEK



24 jun 2024 09:30 - 27 jun 2024 16:00
Billetto Peace of Mind
Boka tryggt med oss: Billetto garanterar återbetalning vid inställda event. Läs mer


Summer  Innovators STEAM Camp

Exploring Wonder: Igniting Curiosity through STEAM Innovation

The Innovators STEAM Camp is a 4-day program for scientific thinkers, 11-13 years of age, packed with fun scientific learning and innovative activities.

Innovating activities to welcome summer. Understanding fun-filled experimentation in the laboratory that creates curiosity and igniting your child’s innovative minds. The 4-day Camp will be busy with chemical experiments, mini-bot making and innovative activities seeding lasting memories.

Day 1 : Sushi Making and Boule

A better way of polishing their math skills is to relate it with fun activities. Finding sushi circumference and the physics of boule will surely lead to a lot of math teasers.

During this day, the Campers will be taught how to play boule by an expert. The Camper who scores the most in our boule adventure and is close to perfect sushi making will win a prize.

Day 2: “ Let’s Fizzle” and Noble Museum

There are a lot of wonders exploring fizzling activities, from sour candy making to safe explosive experiments. This will definitely be a colorful day to indulge.

We will finish the day exploring the Noble museum to inspire them with their scientific creations.

Day 3: Mini Bot Building and Sculpture’s Garden

Creativity maximized at different levels. Camper’s perceptual and fine motor skills will be put to a test for them creating playful products for the day. A visit to Mille’s gården to inspire the young minds and create their mini-bots will be one of the highlights of the Camper’s summer.

Day 4: A day at the Farm

5 Camp Adventure, Horse Carriage Riding and Barbecuing in a Farm

Bring in the simple joys and let our Campers explore the beautiful days of summer. A trip to GH-4 farm learning about egg production, baking and creating seedlings, horse carriage riding and barbecuing on a farm. Lots of surprise treats to our 5-Camp adventure to seal this summer’s STEAM Camp innovator’s mind.

Practical Info

A four-day summer science camp supervised by seasoned specialists from various fields. Energetic and talented Science Camp Leaders who are mostly students coming from KTH and other prominent Swedish universities belonging to different nationalities.

Age: 11-13 y/o
Instructors: Trained Camp Leaders
Language:  English
Time: 9:30-16:00
Where: Viktor Rydberg Gymnasium, Odenplan, Frejgatan 30, 113 49 Stockholm

Learn more about AT&L Stockholm

AT&L Tutorial Services provide individualised in-person and on-line tutoring programs for all Grade levels for both Swedish and IB Curriculum. Our programs aim to assist your child in building their competence and skills in numeracy and literacy fostering active engagement in school

AT&L STEAM services presents opportunities for your child to build and enhance their curiosity through different hands-on STEAM activities. Different themes and creative activities boosting your child's curiosity and motivating their learning


    AT&L Stockholm AB is a company that provides academic learning events through a systematic approach for strengthening student’s skills and competence to gain fluency in different subject areas.

    We want learning to be fun and exciting. We believe that children learns better if they are provided with a stimulating environment with focus on their interests and agile activities. 

    Learn more about AT&L Stockholm

    AT&L Tutorial Services provide individualised in-person and on-line tutoring programs for all Grade levels for both Swedish and IB Curriculum. Our programs aim to assist your child in building their competence and skills in numeracy and literacy fostering active engagement in school.

    AT&L BrainGymnastics STEAM Camps presents opportunities for your child to build and enhance their curiosity through different hands-on STEAM activities. Different themes and creative activities boosting your child's curiosity and motivating their learning.

    All children should love learning.


    Viktor Rydberg gymnasium Odenplan, Frejgatan 30, 113 49 Stockholm

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